Since mom can't get around to writing about her, I will right about myself....cuz lots has gone on in the last 2 1/2 months since her last post....yikes. Has it been that long? I got fans out there mom! I can't have my peeps waiting this long for an update.
That was taken when I turned 16 months and mom turned 42 on August 5th. I turned 18 months on October 5th. Not a baby anymore! Mom just took the front of my crib pad is so grown up now. I assisted her in my own language....sometimes I think she just pretends to understand gets on my nerves. I don't know how much clearer I can be, and yet she just nods and says something resembling agreement in that language she expects me to catch on to. She doesn't fool me. She'll just have to learn my language....I already know that one. Aint learning another one. I know a few hand signs....and that's as far as I'm going. I use the sign to" please go now/let's go/go home" in any situation that I'm simply when she holds me while talking to a friend. BORRRRING. If she doesn't move it when I've had enough being held, listening to chit chat, doing my "let's go" sign, I just pull at the front of her shirt, indicating I want to nurse. That usually gets her rushing her good byes and I get to have my way....and some milk in the car or bathroom! Bonus!...then again...a few times she caught on to my plan and resisted. That's when I got the real amo out and pulled a breast pad out of her bra. ACKWARD! but it worked! he he.
Mom's had a few job interviews....even one in a big city called Toronto! She had to fly there and I woke up at 5am to find her gone...I didn't like it, but dad rocked me back to sleep and we had a fun day together. She is still at home with me for now and we sometimes go to places called "day cares" to put my name on a list. All I ever hear them say is "3 year waiting list"....whatever that means. I just end up playing with the kids there and stealing their afternoon snacks. They let me because they are too busy being in shock. Snooze you carrot stick!
We also took a long family trip in week was in California so mom could visit with her friend S and her family. My mom went to see this friend right after Denver, so they were pregnant together two years ago. They both had girls! so it was nice to make a friend. Thank you for everything auntie S! This is from the Persian restaurant we went to. I am getting the hang of eating with a spoon.
Then we went to San Diego and got a hotel right on the beach. I had to check out the balcony instantly...of course!
We had an awesome time at the San Diego Zoo......always wanted to go! We saw everything! Mom kept making the sounds that all the animals make until I didn't even know what was going on anymore. What is with her.....I even forgot the sounds I already know, while trying to learn tigers and apes and elephants. Can we stick to puppies please? I make the cutest puppy bark sound and would really like to keep things simple.
Then we took off for Santa Monica and did LA and Hollywood from there. We had a hotel right off the Santa Monica Pier. This is me and mom on the Pier....with Malibu in the background....Jennifer Aniston lives in one of those houses! OMG!
And this is us on the Santa Monica Beach....yup....had to do the beach bum thing..!! I loved the waves and splashed till nap time!
Here are a few from Hollywood.
Seeing where all the shows are filmed in Universal Studios was cool! And mom and dad went on the most awesome ride ever..... 3D Transformers!...while they took turns with me in the Child Switch room....have you every heard of such a thing? cuz I was too small to go.
Then we went to Utah for a week to visit with mom's brother, my uncle Milos and his family! I got to see my cousin and autie....we had so much fun! Here is a picture from a shopping trip auntie took us on to Gardner Village in Salt Lake City.
I loved the trip and am a good little camper on vacation...except on the plane. I don't like to have to stay still during "take off " and "landing"....spare me....what's going to happen then that doesn't happen any other time....why can't I walk the isles and wave at people and flirt with 4 year old boys. I sure let them know I disapprove of their methods!
The weekend after we got home, we went to a super cool farm amusement park type place. They had wagon rides, a corn maze, a chalk board hut, a bounce dome....I had so much fun! Here are a few pictures.
Me and mom are in the middle
Wow that's alot of pumpkins! mmmm...... pumpkin pie....when is Thanksgiving again?
As for a few updates....I've already told you about my language skills, I just got into GiggleBellies and love watching them with my snacks or while I color. Did I mention I like to color? That mostly entails me eating the crayons.....mmmmm.....wax. I'm much better with a pen. I scribble with a pen....and mostly on the paper. Sometimes on myself or the carpet or whatever dares be nearby but mostly on the paper. My favorite activity is being outside...still...eventhough it's getting colder (and I love the fall leaves)...bath time with mom....playing with other kids.... hanging out on mom's bed with her in the middle of the afternoon....taking the contents of a drawer or toy bin and handing you one object at a time, fully explaining what it is and what it's for in full on Livi lingo.....dancing (see below).....helping mom with house work by taking out the cleaning cloths and polishing the kitchen floor while she cooks.....going to Costco, Walmart, Superstore or anywhere where I can ride in a shopping cart and then get out when I'm bored and walk around and rearrange inventory according to my standards.
Mom thinks she's a dancer but she's got nothing on me. I ask her MANY times a day to replay the video of Katy Perry performing 'Roar' under the Brooklyn Bridge, by pointing at the TV and the remote control and bouncing on the spot with that come hither "you wanna dance?" look I know how to do. It gets her every time. Needless to say, my favorite show is Dancing with the Stars....of course we don't watch that sitting little bounce of mine and mom is up and dancing with me. She's my dance partner. She hoped to make a little dancer out of me....little did she know I was going to make an even bigger dancer out of her.
With my 12 out of 20 teeth, I have been able to begin enjoying things like nuts. Actually, just pecans because they are soft and chewy. Actually, I'm not all there these days because I have 4 more teeth coming in. Good thing mom got me one of those amber necklaces....I'd be a rockin' mess without it now. Can you imagine? All my canine teeth are coming in at once. I feel it at night. A few nights ago, as typical when my teeth come in, I fall sleep and 10 minutes later I yell and wake up the whole house. That continues throughout the night. Mom has been looking green and glazed over for the past while....I wonder why! I feel not too bad....I get milk every time I wake up and then fall right back to sleep....I don't get it....she should it sometime!
Well, that's about all for my update. Mom is sleeping already so I better sneak into my crib without being noticed. I heard mom and dad saying something about getting me a double bed this week. That would be awesome. I LOVE BEDS. I have to climb into one in every department store we go to and every house we visit. If I had my own double bed, I would play in it all the time. My crib is nice and although cute with the new Hello Kitty pillow and all, but it's ridiculously small. So we'll see about the mean time, I am enjoying every day with mom. I think she'll be going back to work soon and I'll be playing with other kids at a day home, or getting to know a nanny...we'll see. Either way, I will make friends the way I always do. Showing them the boo boo scar on my left thumb, and having them kiss it. The ones who kiss it are friends to keep. The ones who don't even know what I'm doing.....well.....they have some growing up to do. guys have been BUSY! Livi is getting so big! Hope to see you soon. Let me know how the nanny day home search goes - I'm dreading when that time comes! Love all the pics.