Friday, March 16, 2012

Three weeks, less a day

No, I'm not ready. I am not done. I don't "just want the kid out". Everyone assumes that, and I am so not here yet. I am not finished loving being's what I've wanted to experience for so long. It will be time for the next phase in three weeks, less a day. My C-section was moved up by a week. Not what I wanted, but it's the best thing to assure her safety in arriving in the world. My OB was hesitant with my request to wait till the due date for the procedure, so the next time I saw him, we talked about it again. The new date is April 5th.

The entire time I have my iPad on my belly (with a Belly Armour blanket of course) writing this post, she's trying to kick it off. I never got why...but it's a feeling I could have forever. She's having her nightly hiccups right now, which I love.....along with her foot that I can feel now, just by my ribs when she stretches........I get 20 more days. What I find the she has not changed her position in weeks. Her bum and back on my right, feet and hands on my felt, head down.

As for "how I'm feeling" which everyone so caryingly asks, I would NEVER complain. Us IVFers do not have karma's permission to complain.....but here are some interesting observations:

Putting on socks has become a sport...and thankfully the season is changing...because I was running out of ways to do it.
When I drop things.....I just leave them there. Screw it.
The carpel tunnel in my right hand gets so bad at night that I lose feeling in it when I sleep. During the day, my ring finger tip is numb.
The swelling in my hands feels arthritic at night. I wake up to grab the sheets to find that I can't really.
My feet have finally become swollen ontop of destroyed. I can only wear my large flat winter boots or flip flops now. Thank goodness the season is such that I can wear both in one day!
I am greatful for my twice per week prenatal aquasize any form of walking is no longer an option for exercise
Braxton hicks are kind of cool
Stairs suck. Then I do....for about 5 minutes.
I move with less grace but I'm getting the waddle down like a star. And proud of it.
My husband endearingly tells me I sound like a horse....hey I'm breathing for two!

I have one more week of work, with my work related shower this Sunday. My hostess is going all out and I can't wait to see all that she has in store and see the 25! guests that will come out. I will send a picture of that one.

Time for bed, as prenatal yoga starts at nine bells tomorrow. After, the project for the day is to pack for the hospital. That should be interesting. How do you pack for "might go into labor, might have a c-section and be there for longer but either way say hello to your new baby and new life....and how about those boobs! They've finally grown up and got a job!"
Don't forget your pillow.