Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A heart, eleven years in the making

I met Stef eleven years ago, and today we saw our hearts beat as one...in our little Shinning Star! We were so happy and relieved. The little baby is 5mm, boasting a 126 beats per minute heart beat! you should have seen that little pulsing on the screen! it's so surreal to know that it's going on inside me right now...a beat every 2 seconds. The ultrasound put me at 6 weeks, 1 day, with a due date on April 16th. This is a 3 day discrepancy according to the transfer date calculation.....anyone know why? no biggie...just curious.

And...a little update...
Mornings sickness hit this morning when I kept pushing breakfast back due to working (home office), taking care of the birds and preparing for my injection all for too long this morning. Let's see if it comes back.
Cravings: Cantelope. And only a couple times.
Fast food I really enjoy: Chicken and humous pita from Pita Pit. yummm
Food I cant' wait to enjoy: my favortie meal....spagetti with sugar, ground poppy seed and melted butter on top. Have already celebrated my pregnancy as promised to myself years ago, with a few spoonfulls of sweetened condenced milk. Apparently, I grew up on some bizarre food and treats. I know. Don't forget...I'm Czech. And from the communist era, when real food wasn't available.
No longer enjoy: Wine, beer, coffee, chocolate (the caffeine), tea of any kind, matcha frapuccinos, sprouts, soft cheezes. What do I miss the most? Suprisingly, not wine. Tea. I miss tea the most. Something I always took for granted. Especially matcha. Love that stuff.
Suprisingly enjoy: All signs of pregnancy, including my boobs waking me up from pain at night when I turn over. And here is a big surprise....especially for Flygirl...I enjoy my PIO injections. I know. Weird. How can sticking a needle the size of a toothpick into your ass every morning and then pushing oil through be fun? Because I'm proud of myself for getting used to it, and it means that I was given another day with this precious one growing inside.
Need to stop enjoying: too much indulgence. There is no reason for weight gain except for a little water weight for the first trimester. But watching nutrition instead of calories and not being able to work out the way I did, the scale is creeping upward a bit too soon. So I've decided to start taking light walks and not use the pregnancy excuse when the urge to indulge hits. Will let you know how that goes over :)

Thanks for your support and advice!


  1. YAY! Such an amazing sight, isn't it?! Keep in mind that this early on, they are measuring the embryo in millimeters, so even a slight measurement differential can throw things off by a couple of days. Our babies both started out measuring only a day or so ahead, and now that they are bigger and the tech can capture more accurate measurements, they are a week or more ahead. Don't worry! 126 is a great heart rate for the sixth week! Sorry to hear about your morning sickness, but I'm glad you're not minding the PIO! Hopefully you will get to wean pretty soon! Congratulations!!!

  2. Congrats! I can't even imagine how you both are feeling what awesome news and what amazing results.

  3. Wow...amazing. You must feel very happy...and relieved!

  4. Congratulations!! I haven't been on here in so long. I'm so happy for you.

  5. Great post! Love that you got to see the little heart beating away - it's the best sight in the whole world. Your cravings and other things will change very quickly...get ready!
