Thursday, July 5, 2012

Three months and a family photo

Happy 3 months Livi!!

She's very vocal and wanting to talk (which is beyond marvelous and has be in tears every time) and I think she's teeting already (much drool, hand sucking, extra fussyness at night)

We are taking our first flight to see my brother next week! So packing for me will be much less stressfull (I hate packing almost as much as unpacking) when compared to packing for her. I hope all goes well for the flight. I've asked for lots of advice and got good pointers. If you have any to add, that would be great.

And on the eve of her 3rd month birthday, is actually the SECOND family photo we have...the first one being in the OR the day she was born. Hubby prefers the other side of the camera. Why...I don't know. He's such a cutie.

Her baptism is this will post pictures of the little princess soon!


  1. How long is the flight? I've flown with Gwen a number of times since she was 6 weeks old, and we've been lucky that she's a really good flyer, for short flights she falls asleep on take-off and wakes on landing.

    I'm sure you've heard all the usual -- bring a pacifier or a bottle for her to suck on during ascent and descent to help with the changing pressure, bring a blanket or a small pillow along so that you can cushion her on your lap (actually sleeping in arms is pretty uncomfortable for both baby and parent; I usually stuff a blanket/in around one of the arm rests so that her head/back is lying there, and then her bottom is on my lap and her feet hanging over). If it's a shortish flight (1-2 hours) and you don't expect to need to get out of your seat, get a window seat! It helps for propping her while she sleeps.

    Bring double the number of burp cloths you normally have with you, because you never know what you might need them for, and don't be afraid to be a bit pushy to get special treatment from the airlines: It really is worthwhile boarding before everyone else, because then you aren't in their way when you set the baby down to put your bags away, etc.

    Best of luck!

  2. Beautiful family Iveta!! Enjoy the flight because at 3 months she'll be much less of a handful than at 9 months!! Will be a piece of cake...promise ;)

  3. Iveta - You have a precious family! Thanks for the supportive comment on my post. I am feeling better everyday about the c-section. I'm still just in awe that I actually have a real live baby and am trying to focus on the positive. Can't wait to see pics of Olivia in her baptism gown:)

  4. Awh - what an awesome family photo - I love it!!!

    Bring extra diapers - you never know when a layover could get extended/flight delayed/etc. We flew with Stella at 3 months, and other than the missed connection (thank God for extra diapers) it was a breeze. They're pretty easy to travel with at that age luckily!! Have fun!

  5. Beautiful family pic Iveta! Enjoy your holidays - I'm sure you will have lots of fun!

  6. Very Beautiful Family Pic! I too am curious about flying when they are little. Hope all goes well, keep us posted!
