Friday, January 7, 2011

I'm chlomid challenged

Thank you for all your good luck wishes with getting everything done for CCRM across the border. Actually, it was way harder than I thought it would be. Both because I dealt with the hospital to ship my Day 3s instead of a normal lab, and the actual act of getting everthing accomplished on time, in order, amongst what seemed like 100 phone calls, faxes, drives to places, e-mailes, messages, ect. It's almost all done - I have an appointment tomorrow at a lab to send the next 3 blood tests - my Day 10 following the chlomid challenge, Stef's blood tests and his genetic test. I start the chlomid challenge tomorrow and am a little nervous. My day 3 FSH was spectacular; 5.4 (they start to be concerned at a level of 9) and what this test does, is it pushes my FSH high up to see how quickly my body naturaly recovers. I get retested on day 10 to see. I read an article saying that 40% of women have a great FSH at day 3 but a crumby one on day 10. So this will determin my egg reserve and quality, hense our chances. I know it's going to be fine, I just don't like how this will manipulate my hormones. I guess I should be used to that by now, but you never get used to that. One thing I have become used to during this process, is needles. Now think about how many needles you'd have to get, to actually not care one bit that you're getting another one. Acutually, I BEGGED to get two in one day yesterday, just so I would not have to drive to the hospital for the third time. They refused. And you know what else? I've become an expert on the finess that some people have in taking blood. It's like a hair dresser. Some are good, some are reall assholes at it. You can walk out feeling like a million bucks, or feel pissed off that they didn't care to take the time to make it painless. I'm just glad I have one less fear in life to deal with - the poke in the arm.


  1. I had always wondered what the Clomid challenge test showed... good explanation! It's good that you feel pretty nonchalant about needles at this point... that's definitely important for any IVFer!

  2. Just think...every needle is one step closer to achieving your dream! You're off to a terrific start.

    Like the background you selected for your blog. Groovy!
